Sunday, August 11, 2013

Steubenville SD! ♡

If you guys didn't know, I'm Catholic! I sing in my church's youth choir too! Anyway, it was my first time going to Steubenville and it was such an amazing experience. Basically, it's a praise and worship concert and in between all that amazing music, there are like public speakers as well. The speakers are so inspiring and amazing. They gave amazing stories and advice to all of us. We spent three days and two nights at USD where the event was taken. But, we dormed at SDSU! On Saturday and Sunday, there's a mass, you're given oppurtunities to go to confessions (you confess your sins to priests, in private, and you're forgiven for them). We're given breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And Saturday was the best day! That's the day where all the magic happens and you just basically cry and just realize that you're not the only one. 
There's a guys and girls talk. Guys and girls are separated and given a talk. They teach the guys about how to love and treat women the right way. And girls are taught how to love yourself for who you are and that we're worth waiting for. Some people might be opposed to having sex after marriage. But, that's what we're taught. We shouldn't pressure others, or let others pressure us to have sex, do drugs, and basically anything. 
That weekend was basically an amazing experience to bond with other people who love God as much as you do. A weekend to strengthen your relationship with him, or to even start a relationship with God. At first, it's kind of like "What the heck, weirdos." But at the end of the weekend, you're just like all the other weirdos in the building! So yeah! Here are some pictures, and the other girl in the picture was like my BFF for the weekend! She's so sweet and nice, and her name is Briana!